...not without breaking it... (2015)

stereo, fixed media
sound/visual art installation with Dana O'Malley (GRIT Collaborative)
Installed at Public Space One (IA)
Installed at the University of Iowa, Porch Gallery (IA)
Installed at the University of Iowa, Becker Communications Building (IA)

Installation images from Becker Communications Building, University of Iowa

Program Notes:

...not without breaking it... investigates our (GRIT Collaborative) perceptions and relationship to global climate change, in particular, the retreat of Earth's glaciers.  A combination of ice shattering, snow crunching, and glass breaking create the soundscape.  A landscape is built from an amalgamation of broken parts, preserved in uncertainty.  This collaborative installation aims to shed light on the interdisciplinary dialogue needed to overcome obstacles (grit).  www.gritcollaborative.com